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I invite you to create a personal portrait pulled from the many layers of your life. Weave your story into the canvas with your personal keepsakes ~ lace, fabric and jewellery

IS YOUR inner muse longing to create a portrait, and build your Mixed Media skills?  ARE YOU ready to step away from online overwhelm and into a real, supportive community?  If this sounds like you - then what are you waiting for?!  


"Delight is an amazing teacher. She combines her art workshops with creative rituals and wellness practices which helps deepen the overall experience. Delight’s beautiful creative processes allows space for your own creative vision to shine through. She shares her knowledge of mixed media collage and assemblage and is available to help if you have questions. Delight has a natural way of balancing instructional time, with creative co-creates ,and the most zen soundtracks!"

~Creative Delight Studio Student

"Delight's willingness to reach for what her heart calls for is a true testament to the power of following your creative instincts.  She continues to create a ripple effect of creativity and inspiration for others to embrace their artistic voices and embark on their own mixed media journeys."

Episode 121 Delight Rogers

I look forward to meeting you, if I haven't already!

I am a mixed media artist. I live in a small village in Northern Ontario, Canada, where the natural beauty fuels my spirit. I show and sell my art in local galleries and offer art workshops, online, in person, and live on zoom. 

With certifications in colour therapy and therapeutic art-making, and degrees in both the arts and education, my creative journey revolves around healing through making art and sharing what I do and know with others. 

Join me and let's embark on a journey where the beauty of nature intertwines with the transformative power of art, inviting you to explore your own creative potential.

Untitled design (12)

Places you can find me...

Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 6.03.24 PM Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 6.02.18 PM CMS24_IGstories_white  Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 6.01.33 PM As seen on 2 (1) As-seen-on-2-1--editedScreenshot 2023-12-16 at 6.00.19 PM   arts r us logoflowers magic logo


Get in touch!

Thank you. I will be in touch!

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